Monday, April 11, 2011

Hows, Whys, and Whats of Real Estate

Wow! I’ve lived my life and Real Estate career of 30 years and never Blogged but, it is our future and I am all about advancing into adventures unknown-Here we go-please enjoy the journey with me…
In my opinion this is Thee year! The “pivotal” year, such as 2005 was, but I was behind the market, as a lot of people were. Being from the “show me State of Missouri”, I have been shown from 4th quarter of 2005 until about 2nd quarter 2007 what it was really about,  And I had missed it! I was too busy to take the time to analysis the statistics and prepare for what we were all about to embark upon. I learned!!! Now, this year is the year to prepare for the next 10 years of our Real Estate Industry. And that is what my Team is doing!
Could one ask? How, why, what, where, when and who? Yes, we all should be asking any Real Estate Professional exactly that before engaging. How is the market changing, Why in Polk County, What can I do as a Buyer or Seller to trump the advantage before we miss it again. Where is all this happening; Nationally, Florida, Polk County, even Winter Haven? When is it going to make a difference in my life, Who is going to make the difference, of course, that would be you!
I personally am excited for Polk County! In my wildest dreams, would I ever have thought children 2 to 10 years old would be my new boss? Never! Legoland is bringing such a new dimension to our Polk County, that I have found it is difficult for some to even grasp! But, my friend, hold on for the ride, because this is going to be an exciting adventure for all of us! (Especially 2-10 yrs) We have so many growth opportunities that the employment will change our real estate world forever.
So join us this year being on the cusp of the cutting edge of pioneering and evolutionizing our new Real Estate World!
Renee Butler

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